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Hidden Treasures of Istanbul: Little Known Hidden Beauties

Hidden treasures of Istanbul: Little known hidden beauties is among the topicsthat are wondered with interest by many people. This is a very important issue, especially for holiday lovers who do not know very well Istanbul. As you know, this is an issue that should be taken into consideration when planning a trip. Because youdetermine both your budget plan and your travel route according to this issue. Whenit comes to the hidden beauties of Istanbul, the first place that comes to mind is of course Fatih, Sultanahmet Square. Some of the works which is found in the historicalarchitectures in this square still preserve their mysteries. At this point, the firstarchitectural work that comes to our mind is, of course, Basilica Cistern. This work, which fascinates its guests with its unique architecture, has survived for centuries. Ithas become a much more beautiful place, especially thanks to the lighting systeminstalled over the years. The statues in this historical building still have a mysterioushistory. Besides, another place that comes to mind is, of course, Topkapı Palace. Ithas witnessed the wars and peaces of history, and the families of the Ottomansultans who once lived here. That's why we can say that there is a mystery hiddeneven in the walls of the palace. In addition to Fatih, Laleli, which is a very closedistrict, is also a very popular historical district. While talking about the works found in Fatih, definitely we should mention Laleli. Laleli has a very nice atmosphere and it is known by everyone that it is a part of the historical peninsula. Especially for peoplewho want to make a historical trip,  Fatih and Laleli is a great opportunity for them. Let's look at the list of historical architectures in Laleli;

• Sehane Ottoman Bath
• Laleli Teyyare apartment building
• Suleymaniye Mosque (Mosque)
• Historical Vezneciler Bath
• Acemoglu Bath
• Vefa Bozacisi

Hidden Historical Treasures Around Hamit Hotel Istanbul

Hidden historical treasures around Hamit Hotel Istanbul is another frequentlywondered topic among the holiday lovers. In there we have Sultanhmet Square, Topkapı Palace, Hagia Sophia, Basilica Cistern and more..

Hotels in Fatih

Hotels in Fatih is among the topics which is researched by mostly people. As youknow, choosing a hotel is very important. Therefore, it would be a logical move tochoose a hotel that is both comfortable and close to historical places. Because youwill be able to easily visit many places without wasting time. When you get tired, youwon't have to make a long journey back to your hotel. You can reach your hotel justby walking. If you want to visit this historical peninsula comfortably, we recommendthat you stay in a nearby hotel. In this article, we will also talk about the best hotel option for you. This hotel is of course Hamit Hotel Istanbul. You can be sure that thishotel will be a very useful choice for you. Because Hamit Hotel is in a central locationin Fatih. It is close to all public transport stations such as the metro station. It is alsovery close to Sultanahmet Square, where many historical monuments are located. Inshort, we can say that when you get tired or hungry during your holiday, you can walkto your hotel without using public transportation.

Useful Links: 

A Vacation in the Traces of History: Discover Istanbul’s Rooted Heritage with Our Hotel’s Closeness to Sultanahmet
Witness the Historical Texture of Istanbul: From the Hotel in Laleli to Historical Places by Walking
Discover the Hidden Treasures of Istanbul: Hidden Places Around our Hotel




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